Was Timmy TDat Drunk Driving Before Accident? Check Out this Incriminating PHOTO

April 12, 2016

Celebrity lovers and singers, Kush Tracey and Timmy TDat on Saturday morning were involved in a grisly road accident near Maasai Mall in Rongai.
The two survived the horrific crash and were rushed to Sinai Hospital for treatment. The two were heading back home from a show in Thika.
The exact cause of the accident has not yet been established but according to unconfirmed reports, the car they were in got hit by a speeding lorry. However, there are hushed tones and speculations that Timmy TDat may have taken one too many.
Well, those speculations are not entirely far off. The night before the grisly accident, Kush Tracey through her Instagram page shared a photo showing the celebrity sweethearts and a friend partaking in a bottle of Jameson and red bull.
The photo was captioned: “Beautiful people @timmytdat na @thadaqchild boss umefanya nikate kiuno the whole night #love”
Though the photo does not prove that Timmy was drunk while driving, it does raise some questions. Worse still, Kush Tracey has since taken down the post from her timeline which raises even more questions.
We managed to get the post moments after the accident happened. Check it out below and decide what you may.

Aye!!!weekend ishike ka #KAMOTE #MBESA #PLAYBOY #Huwezi_Ni_Dandia #BOSSMAMA #MWM

A photo posted by Kush Tracey (@kush_tracey) on

#Usinikazie #Playboy ?????@timmytdat

A photo posted by Kush Tracey (@kush_tracey) on

If at all Timmy was drunk behind the wheel, that would be very unfortunate and disappointing.
Here are some photos from the scene of the accident:

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