Meet Alena Mwende…the 9 Year Old Who Underwent 21 Surgeries to Remove Throat Tumor – PHOTOS

February 12, 2016

Brave, resilient and persevering are some of the words that can fully describe this little girl’s character. At nine years of age, Alena Mwende has undergone not one or two but twenty one surgeries on her throat to successfully remove a tumor that had developed in it. The young girl who schools in Mombasa at Mikindani Royal Comprehensive Academy came to know that she had the condition (laryngeal papilloma) in February 2014 when a doctor run a check-up on her. This rare medical condition is one that causes a tumor to grow on the inside of the windpipe subsequently obstructing the airway.
Even after undergoing the 21 surgeries, her family is still looking for ways to fundraise Sh.1.2 million, money that will cater for 10 more surgeries that doctors recommend for the full rectification of the condition.
As reported by a local daily, since her diagnosis back in the year 2014, Mwende has been in and out of many hospitals and has even been attended by a specialist at Apollo Hospital in India. Her latest surgery that was done to assist her in breathing after she developed complications, left her with an incision in the front of her neck and a breathing tube inserted through the hole into the windpipe.
We hope and pray that she gets healed. Those interested in lending Alena a helping hand can send funds to Co-operative Bank account number 0011 0944 6381700, under account name Alena Medical Fund or M-Pesa paybill number 301082 – account, Alena.
Here are some pictures of the strong and brave little girl with her parents.

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