DROPPING HINTS OR JUST PUBLICITY STUNTS! Meet the Tanzanian Hunk Huddah Monroe is Missing Badly

January 15, 2016

Now that she is not featuring anywhere in the socialite-packed drama TV series that is Nairobi Diaries, I am pretty sure that Huddah Monroe might be forced to come up with ways to make her name stay afloat. Three days ago the socialite posted a picture of herself chilling with Harmonize with a caption that read, ‘I’ve missed you too …’
She could be dropping hints of something brewing between her and the Aiyola hit-maker, or better still, be up to a publicity stunt. Well, I am not here to judge the scenario, but we can wait and see what will transpire between the two. If love, the better.
Meanwhile, below is the photo she posted on her Instagram plus more photos of the upcoming Bongo sensation.
Huddah - Aiyola
Meet Harmonize (he is currently signed with Diamond’s WCB).
Harmonize 5
Harmonize 4
Harmonize 3
Harmonize 2
Harmonize 1

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