
The Sorry State Of this Government School in Naivasha is So Sickening – PHOTOS

April 27, 2015

Ngunyumu Primary School, Naivasha 7
There is nothing that beats a good learning environment void off anything that can distract students from grasping all what they are being taught. Speaking of a good learning environment, a modern day public school should in fact, be one that is well built and stuffed with all the best furniture and stationery an institution should require.
However, despite all the efforts and funding that the ministry of education has done to better learning in primary schools, this particular school known as Ngunyumu Primary School in Naivasha seems to have been on the marginalized end as its current state is totally a mess.
Rusted iron sheets and overcrowded squeezed classrooms, here is how the school that seriously needs a face-lift looks like.
Ngunyumu Primary School, Naivasha 1
Ngunyumu Primary School, Naivasha 2
Ngunyumu Primary School, Naivasha 3
Ngunyumu Primary School, Naivasha 4
Ngunyumu Primary School, Naivasha 5
Ngunyumu Primary School, Naivasha 6

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