The Sad Plight of Mzee Ojwang: PHOTOS and VIDEO

March 13, 2015

ojMost Kenyans are not aware that Mzee Ojwang, real name Benson Wanjau has been without a job since July 2014. The national broadcaster showed him the door without any retirement package, but again at 77 years of age, that should have come decades ago.
Mzee Ojwang has been in our households since we can remember. His acting career spans more than 4 decades, most of those years being on Vitimbi. It was one of KBC’s longest running shows and Ojwang was the star actor.

He has also entertained Kenyans during public holidays for many years, often for not very good pay. As modern day artists demand 6-figures to perform in such events, you can be sure Mzee Ojwang and his crew do not command the same.

oj1Benson Wanjau and his family

oj2Benson Wanjau at his home

It is therefore unfortunate that despite all he has done for Kenya, neither KBC nor the government has come through for him in his hour of need. After losing his job last year, Mzee Ojwang went into alcohol and depression and his health has continued to deteriorate. His eyesight is failing and he can no longer walk well.
Sonko rescue team paid him a visit on Wednesday and took him to Loresho Hospital, and things are now looking up.
To further show how much KBC has abandoned him, it was K24 that actually highlighted his plight yesterday. A dejected Mzee Ojwang called upon the President to assist him, and his words were echoed by his former Vitimbi colleagues.

As he waits for the government’s help, you too can do something. The old man has entertained most of us for the whole of our lives, and it’s good to show some appreciation.
Give your donation through the following Paybills.
Paybill Business Number: 317087
Account Number: Mzee Ojwang
Airtel Money
PayBill: MzeeOjwang
Reference: HospitalBill
National Bank
Harambee Ave

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