Why Linus Kaikai is Being Roasted on Twitter

January 27, 2015

linusLast night on Presspass, the topic was ‘Digital Migration’ and in studio were Communications Authority of Kenya Director General Francis Wangusi, Linus Kaikai the Acting MD of the Nation Broadcasting Division, representative of pay TV stations Startimes PR Manager Alex Mwaura & David Ohito Editor from the Standard Group.
It was a good platform for Wangusi to explain what is all these we’ve been hearing about the withdrawal of license and basically why the 3 main local stations are still fighting the process.
The questions being asked by Linus Kaikai and Ohito were initially hard hitting, but I’m sure they would not have expected Wangusi to have all the answers. The CA Director General was clearly prepared for this moment, and his intelligence was quite clear. As the others argued with emotions and little facts, Wangusi explained every decision that has been made regarding this digital migration process, and in the eyes of many successfully exposed NTV, KTN and Citizen as greedy media houses who want to eat the advertiser money and the decoder sale money.
We’ll post the video if NTV makes the mistake of uploading it, but in the moment, here are some comments from twitter.








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