Here’s The VIDEO of Alfred Keter Alfred Keter Insulting and Threatening Gilgil Weighbridge Staff

January 26, 2015

keterAlfred Keter has been on everyone’s lips since yesterday.
A video of him abusing and threatening staff at Gilgil Weighbridge went viral, prompting the Director of Public Prosecutions to take action. The Nandi Hills MP and his nominated counterpart Sonia Birdi were protesting the detention of a truck the latter owns.
Apparently, it had been detained for lack of an exemption permit. According to Keter, several calls had been made from State House, the PC, security council chairman Asman Kamama and about 10 MPs, but the truck was still detained.
In a TV interview however, Keter claimed that the weighbridge officials demanded a bribe before releasing the truck.
Here’s the video by Robert Alai.

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