Even After Flying Back to Jamaica Alaine Still Looking for Wafula (Photo)

January 6, 2015

Whoever Wafula is, he must really be a special kind of species; the rare breed, because the search begun back in 2014 and in 2015 Alaine has not yet given up the hope of finding her mystery man. The Jamaican songstress had been in Kenya for days on end doing performances as well as visiting the major tourist attractions in our country.
After performing in Nakuru on the Jamhuri holiday the singer flew back to her homeland to mark the Christmas and New Year festivities at home. However being far way from Wafula’s mother country seems to be a bother to her as she posted a photo with a caption that read, Throw back pic…Me I’m looking fa Wafula!#Williamrichardsphotography #Wafula #openyourears#whereareyouWafula #longtimepickcha #Twendekazi.’ Well, what more can I write, check this out
Alaine Wafula 1
Alaine Wafula

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