MP Isaac Mwaura Tells Alai He Deserves The Death Threats

April 15, 2014

mwauraNominated MP Isaac Mwaura has written to Robert Alai telling him he deserves the death threats. This is according to the blogger himself.
Over the weekend, a secret recording of persons believed to be Anti-ICC crusader David Matsanga and Political analyst Moses Kuria was posted online. In it, the two are are heard discussing their dark past and the murder of Robert Alai.
READ: Leaked Audio Reveals Plot To Assassinate Robert Alai
Alai now claims that Mwaura told him he deserves everything he’s getting.
Here was his post yesterday.

The most unfortunate SMS I have got today is from one MP Isaac Mwaura saying that I deserve the death threats “and even more” just because I have written things he doesn’t agree with before.
That is the breed of MPs we have. A small bunch which thinks that anybody who doesn’t see things there way MUST FACE HARM or even death. His view is the only view or those who disagree are good when put 6-feet under.
Isaac Mwaura of all the people things this way. I am seriously surprised.

God save Kenya!!!!!!!!

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