Tough Financial Times? Diamond’s Land cruiser V8 Repossessed, Put Up For Sale

March 28, 2014

Now am beginning to believe what I was taught in Primary School that all that glitters is not necessarily gold. Diamond has been cruising in this landcruiser for some time now and who would have thought that he had not fully paid for it? I wouldn’t.
Apparently, Diamond did not fully own the land cruiser in question. He had entered into a loan arrangement deal where he was allowed to pay for it in installments while still using it. However, word doing rounds is that he has been unable to pay for it fully and the owner, fellow artist Chief Kiumbe, has repossessed it and put it up for sale.
The car is said to cost somewhere between 1.5 -2 million shillings which is funny because the number one singer is said to fetch up to 2.5 million per show. How he is unable to pay for the ride still remains a mystery.
Photos by Global Publishers

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