Over 2000 ‘Over-Age’ Cars To Be Destroyed at The Port of Mombasa

March 11, 2014

mombasa portThey say that crime does not pay, it is just a matter of time before the long arm of the law catches up with you. That is what has happened at the port of Mombasa. Apparently, there are over 2,000 ‘over – age’ imported cars despite the ban on importation of cars over 8 years old. The Kenya Anti Corruption Commission has directed that the cars, worth well over 4 billion shillings, be destroyed.
Speaking to The Daily Nation, the chairman of the commission said that the move was aimed at curbing the increased cases of people importing old cars against the law.
“We are working with the Ministry of Transport to stop importation of used cars exceeding eight years but so far we are going to destroy those already in the country to send a strong message to those flouting regulations,” he said.
It is not clear how the cars got into the country but Matemu said that the commission will set up check up points along borders and in airports to curb the problem.
“These offices will not only help us check corrupt activities but also human trafficking and illegal entry of foreigners,” he said.

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