Capital FM’s Joe Muchiri Blows Sh68,000 in a Single Night

March 18, 2014

joe muchiriHow much do you spend at a night out?..or rather how much did you spend last weekend?. Probably not much considering it’s only mid month and you have to wait two more weeks to get your paycheck.
Well, while most Kenyans continue to whine about the tough economic times, there are those that are having it good. So good actually, that they can spend Sh68,000 on a single night out.
Capital FM producer, Joe Muchiri parted with that amount at the Mercury Lounge in Westlands. Whether he footed the bill all by himself we cannot be sure all we know is the bill totaled to the said amount. Check it out.

It must have been one heck of a party…. 157 shots?  I must say in such a case logic would dictate you buy the damn bottle.

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