Alcoblow ‘Menace’ Inspires Nairobi’s Newest Business

February 3, 2014

alcoblowFor all those alcohol lovers out there who have fallen victim to the alcoblow ‘menace’ or are yet to, one Mr Paul Mwangi has a solution for you.
Paul Mwangi has started Kenya’s first ever alcoblow inspired business called Smart fellas.
The company offers drivers and transport vehicles for those who have problems controlling their alcohol intakes, for a fee of course.
For an annual sign up fee of ksh 2, 000 and a ksh 1,000 monthly fee, Paul provides two drivers for you. One in a cab to drive you home while the other saves you a return journey to collect your car in the morning.
“When you call us, we charge you Sh150 per kilometre deducted from your monthly subscription. Once this is exhausted, then you’ll pay at the same rates,” he says.
Smart Fellas’ drivers are located at Westlands, Hurlingham, Nairobi West, the Central Business District and Lang’ata Road. These are basically the alcohol hotspots of Nairobi.
The company also caters for parties and events where alcohol maybe served.

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