Troubled KISS TV Sacks 27 As It Prepares To Shut Down

August 14, 2013

Even before dust settles on K24’s recent mass lay off, another troubled station, KISS TV, has taken a similar road.
The Radio Africa owned station has sacked 27 staff members citing loss making. According to CEO Patric Quarcoo, the station has been making a Sh10 million loss every month since March this year.

Bad month for scribes in Kenya as @kisstvnews ‘offloads’ 27 staff; #CEO Quarcoo says the TV has been making Sh10m loss per month since March
— Robin Njogu (@robinnjogu) August 14, 2013

This latest development means either the station is shutting down completely, or is set to shut down its news operations, as hinted by Robert Alai last week.
This leaked confidential document showed that the station has been struggling and has actually been planning to shut down its news operations, and relaunch as a music only channel.

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Names of those laid off should be available soon. Keep it Nairobi Wire.

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