
Star Newspaper Demands Compensation From K24 After Ahmednasir Claimed on The Station That Their MD is a British Spy

August 28, 2013

On Thursday last week, K24 hosted JSC commissioner Ahmednasir Abdullahi, to respond to allegations that he was behind Gladys BOSS Shollei’s misfortunes.
The Star newspaper had written several stories about the lawyer that week, and when confronted with the same, Ahmednasir rubbished the paper calling it a cheap and ghetto newspaper.
He said that he would only be worried if it were Nation or Standard.

He also alleged that the STAR newspaper Managing Director, William Pike is a British Spy or MI6 agent.
Today, the newspaper is demanding an apology, retraction and compensation from K24. 
Here’s their editorial today, titled ‘Ahmednasir is Lying’

On August 22, lawyer Mr Ahmednasir Abdullahi falsely alleged on K24 television station that the Managing Director of the Star Publications, Mr William Pike, is a ‘British spy’ or MI6 agent. This is an outright lie. There is no evidence of any kind to substantiate this claim.The lawyer for the Star has written to K24 demanding an apology, retraction and compensation for this outrageous allegation. In our view, Mr Ahmednasir is peddling this nonsense to distract attention from the mounting criticism over his own activities within the Judicial Service Commission and the Law Society of Kenya. Mr Ahmednasir wishes to make out that he is the victim of a conspiracy, rather than the architect of his own misfortunes. 

In particular, we believe Mr Ahmednasir is anxious to silence the Star newspaper which has done more than the other mainstream newspapers to expose concerns over his real estate dealings, political ambitions, and his role within the judiciary. He is therefore trying to discredit the Star by making underhand allegations about its managing director.Mr Ahmednasir is lying about the Star and its managing director and we now publicly demand that he come up with the strictest proof, or else withdraw the allegation and apologise. 

We would like to assure Mr Ahmednasir as long as he holds a public position we will continue to do our duty to our readers by holding him accountable for every utterance and action contrary to the law and the spirit of the Constitution.The Star’s position is clear – we will not relent in our quest to expose any questionable action by unconscionable public officials.

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