7 Things You Did Not Know About Annabel Mbaru

May 29, 2013

Here are 7 things you did not know about 24 year old Annabel Mbaru representing Kenya at Big Brother The Chase.

1. She is generally quite a happy person, bubbly and energetic.

2. You do not want to mess with her though because she loses her cool very easily. So bad is her temper, that she has a history of violence. But no worries though, she is working on it.

3. Violence aside, her great personality allows her to get along with everyone. As long as they dont mess with her cool.

4. She admits that she has been involved with ladies. In normal speak, she has had sex with ladies, or bisexual if you like.

5. Bisexual or not, Annabelle regards sex to be a very personal affair. Which is why she says she would not have sex in the BBA house.

6. She has a degree in psychology and community development.

7. She loves being the center of  attention

By Njambi Mungai for Pulse
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