Beware of This New Mpesa Prank

April 18, 2013

From Facebook


After transaction if a customer decides or asks to pay you via mpesa, either don’t accept & go with him to an mpesa dealer & withdraw himself & pay you in cash, or if you accept withdraw right away….the conman is buying something especially expensive, pay you with mpesa, then after few minutes calls 234 (mpesa customer care) n reclaims he sent the money to a wrong number…and mpesa returns the money to him before you think to withdraw….you are left less the item you sold & less the cash of that item.  

A friend of mine was today conned a laptop worth 35,000 when she called the mpesa customer care, she was told that there is nothing they can do about it because the conman already withdrew his cash & both accounts are empty….she was told to report the case to police safaricom will help her with his details to help the police search that man. Forward & share this message to family & friends to warn them.

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