#UhuruRudiDebate – How Kenyans Told Uhuru NOT To Withdraw From The Presidential Debate

February 20, 2013

As reported earlier, Jubilee has withdrawn their presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta from Monday’s presidential debate citing various reasons. Key among them is Linus Kaikai’s bias, especially on the ICC matter. ( Read: Why Uhuru Withdrew From The 2nd Presidential Debate)

Majority of those commenting online however do not understand how he could have walked out, when everyone says he won the first debate. Some are however convinced with the reasons TNA gave and believe their candidate does not need debates to tell Kenyans what he’ll do for them. 
Those who think that Uhuru should be in the debate have their reasons too, and yesterday they started a Twitter trend to compel the deputy premiere to get back on the podium. #UhuruRudiDebate was the hash tag they used, and below are some of their tweets.

#uhururudidebate Mr president Listen to the people get back and prove them wrong

we all still sit exams even when we feel we are not ready. no excuses #UhuruRudiDebate

#UhuruRudiDebate im not on the verge of turning my tele on till im aware that #UhuruKenyatta anacome debate

The only way #UhuruRudiDebate will happen will be if there is a break for shots za bluemoon puff puff pass:-)

#Uhururudidebate I guess we are all bitter coz we wait for @RailaOdinga and @UKenyatta’s answrs bt now wats the point of watchn it?Wacancel

I dont want a president who will write a protest letter to Al-Shabaab because he’s ‘feeling ambushed’ #UhuruRudiDebate #KOT @ukenyatta

#UhuruRudiDebate the questions have been asked by #Kenyans We demand to know how our future CEO’s to deal with them. It’s not abt moderators

We are going to send #Kutuny, #Sonko, #Kabando and #Mungatana to be the moderators #uhururudidebate

 I did not run away from my Geography paper because I couldn’t locate the G-spot. Mwanaume ni kujiamini #Uhururudidebate

Mutahi Ngunyi told you that you won on 18th Dec 2012 why fear and u are the bawse? #UhuruRudiDebate

We’ll buy you lipbalm #UhuruRudiDebate

Whatever Uhuru says during the #PresidentialdebateKE cannot be used against him! So #UhuruRudiDebate

Linus Kaikai won’t be there and we shall even move the venue from #BrookHouse to #BrookSide so #uhuruRudiDebate

 #UhuruRudiDebate You will be allow to decide what questions u want to answer…we care

 I did NOT miss my Mathematics exam because i did NOT understand Matrices & Differentials #UhuruRudiDebate #KOT

You can walk in with all of the Jubilee members,i know you fear The face of Uduak Amimo …worry no more so please #UhuruRudiDebate

We will riot and throw stones to our TV if they ask you about Land Reforms #UhuruRudiDebate

I did not miss my Swahili CAT because I didn’t understand mnyambuliko wa vitenzi #UhuruRudiDebate

#UhuruRudiDebate My president must be ready for anything …Infact I am team Jubilee ….we are not kids

Despite the result yesterday wenger will go to munich,, #uhururudiDebate

Presidents(even Obama) get attacked all the time. @ukenyatta True statesmen never back down. #UhuruRudiDebate #KOT”

Compiled by @nairobiwire

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