Mohammed Ali Confirms John Allan Namu Is Joining Him At KTN

November 12, 2012

NTV Loses Their Best Investigative Reporters

Following the footsteps of Mohammed Ali, NTV investigative reporter, John Allan Namu might be leaving the station for KTN; where he came from. There has been a lot of speculation at to the future of several NTV journalists since the coming on board of Standard Group’s new CEO Sam Shollei. Among those believed to be on their way out of East Africa’s largest media house are Linda Ogutu and Joe Ageyo.
Last night, Mohammed Ali just came short of confirming Allan Namu’s departure from NTV through his tweeter handle. The relatively inactive tweep, who is known to be very choosy on what he tweets and retweets, retweeted a tweet by KTN cameraman Martin Kiio, which implied that Namu is actually headed to Mombasa road. 
This was the tweet.
If NTV’s top management fails to convince Namu to change his mind, then he will once again have the chance of teaming up with Moha, this time where it all started.

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