10 Things Prezzo Missed While He was Away At BBA

July 31, 2012

While You Were Away !

Prezzo Kenya
Prezzo has against all odds reached the Big Brother finals. If you are a keen follower of BBA, both on TV and on social media, then you should know that the if the comments given on social media by BBA fans with exception of Kenyans translated into actual votes, Prezzo would have left the house weeks ago. Not even his relationship with Goldie seemed to save him from the constant attacks. 
At one time, he emerged second last during the eviction night, with only one vote separating him from the evictee. At that point, it looked as if the rapper would be headed homeville the following weekend, but somehow, he didn’t. This became the trend for weeks. Prezzo would receive many nominations from his housemates and equally many votes from Africans. We are now in the last week and this time it’s certain that the ‘President’ will be coming home, probably with the money. Last week, he received the second most number of votes from Africa and looking at the way Africa has been voting, he is clearly the man to beat this final week. As some one said, ” Africa should know that Kenyan presidents tend to overstay”.
So, Prezzo will have spent 90 days locked up in a house. When he gets back there is a whole lot of catch up he’ll have to do. Since the housemates are not allowed to have any form of contact with the outside world, Prezzo may still be in the dark on some major occurrences over the past 3 months. 
Here are some of the things Prezzo missed, in no particular order.
1. The death of George Saitoti and Orwa Ojode (RIP)
2. Numerous grenade attacks
3. Hate speech by his fellow artistes
4. US ambassador resigns
5. Uhuru Kenyatta launches TNA
6. Euro 2012 begins and ends
7. Jicho Pevu’s Mohammed Ali joins NTV
8. Mohammed Ali makes Pastor Njoroge and Esther Mwende famous.
10. And of course Miguna Launches his book makes ‘Come Baby Come’ a national anthem.
© nairobiwire.com

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