Is It A Foregone Conclusion?

There was however one big exception in the name of Ruth. The Kenyan lady with a deep voice brought the house down with a perfect rendition of Beyonce’s ‘Best Thing I Never Had’. She is the only contestant who received a standing ovation from everyone and rightly so. Judge Ian went further and said those who had performed before Ruth were mere curtain raisers. She received positive comments from all who spoke. Social media went further to ask whether Ruth is the TPF winner we’ve all be waiting for. It was generally agreed that she is much better than all previous winners.
On their facebook page, Tusker Lager had been posting a status update every time a contestant went on stage and normally, they would get around 200 comments and a few likes. When Ruth wowed East Africa, Tusker as usual updated their status.
“Team Ruth must be one Proud Bunch of Fans. How do you like her rendition of Beyonce’s Best Thing you Never Had? Judge Ian says the Show has now Started!!
Within 5 minutes of the post, it had garnered more than 1000 comments and an almost similar number of likes. Most of the comments were positive and many concluded that Ruth is the winner TPF never had. Some even suggested that Tusker Project Fame is not the competition for her, the likes of X Factor and American Idol are.
Here are some of the comments:
Ruth deserves that….that is wat musicians are made of!!!! MwaaaaahInfact the season shud end today coz we already have a winner,Ruth u are a winner bebby.There is no nid of goin for 7wks findin the winner just crown ruth as tha winner..she got wat it teks.Need i say more… I love her deep voice.. If beyonce heard her she’d feel challanged.. Honestly Ruth has left me humming the song..Ruth u need to be given the money nd go home coz u deserve itRUTH is in a wrong contest, she sooo high up, high above……..Ruth is the best thing tpf never had…she really made +254 proud. lets go gal win this thing leggoooo…PHENOMENAL!!!!!Marry me ruth’
After Sunday’s performance, a two or probably three horse race is shaping up with Ruth leading by a distance, Samantha and Steve following.