Chief Justice With a Stud and Swag. Willy Mutunga Joins Twitter and Facebook.

June 24, 2011
click this image to see his twitter account

Kenya’s new chief justice with a stud and swag just joined twitter and facebook. Willy Mutunga has joined the list of growing government officials to join the two popular social networking sites. In just one day, Mutunga had accumulated over 1500 followers on twitter and an almost similar likes on facebook. This was his first tweet.

Thank you all for the welcome. I am overwhelmed by how strong this forum is – over 30 friends in 3 minutes!

Official Dr Willy M Mutunga
click this image to see his fb page

Some of the people Mutunga is following on tweeter include: Martha Karua, Uhuru Kenyatta, Mugo Kibati (CEO of vision 2030) and John Githongo.

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