Benefits of Keyless Entry Door Locks on Cars

August 30, 2021

A lot of people have questions about the benefits of Keyless Entry Door Locks. They wonder if they will provide enough security to keep their car and their personal items safe from thieves. There are a few things you need to know before you decide to purchase a Keyless Entry Door Lock for your car.

This way, you can rest easy knowing that you are doing everything you can to protect your car. Here are some of the benefits

One: They provide an extra layer of security between your car and the outside world. When you drive around in a car with a keyfob, everyone has to pass through a security screening before gaining access into your car.

Without a keyfob, only you can gain access into your car. With one, not only do you get extra security, but so does anyone else who may want to gain access to your car. This helps prevent “heist” type activities that could happen with unsecured doors. 

Two: Car manufacturers and many car retailers offer them. Most places where you go to buy a car will let you take it into the lot and look it over. If you have any questions about it, or you just don’t feel comfortable with it, most places will let you return it to them. That is a big benefit, since you don’t have to spend money and time researching a keyless entry door lock that you might not like. 

Three: When locked, they are secure. The majority of them are made with a combination lock. This means that they are secured by the combination that is used to open them. This means that no matter how strong the combination is, they are unable to be picked – ever. 

Four: They are very durable. These are made with a heavy duty mechanism that does not easily break or wear. Many models last for many years before even requiring replacement. Cars with these locks are virtually impenetrable. 

Five: They are convenient. You simply press a button to enter and exit your car. There is no need to fidget with a car’s keys or try to remember them. Some models even have a feature that allows you to lock the car’s doors from the inside while the engine is running. 

Six: They improve the security of your car. Any thief who can gain access will most likely want to steal the contents of your car. This is why they are so important for vehicles with lots of windows or those that are in a high traffic area. When you use entry door locks, you make it so that your car’s contents remain safe at all times. 

Seven: They are economical. Once installed, there is no further investment needed to keep them working and your car protected. The installation usually only takes a few hours and costs a couple hundred dollars. You can also enjoy free insurance for up to 12 months after purchase. There are several benefits of keyless entry door locks on cars. 

Eight: They are convenient. When you have a lock installed, you do not have to fumble around in your glove box or trunk to find a key. You simply open the cylinder, look for the key and insert it into the keyhole. Then you have peace of mind. No more worrying about lost keys and locked cars.

Nine: They provide greater security for your car. Because many manufacturers are creating a wide variety of these locks, they have become affordable. There are some models that have keyless entry door locks. The benefit of having these locks is that they allow the driver and passenger to be given temporary access to the car if the keys are left in the ignition.

However, this means that the car is left unprotected from other road debris, intruders or even worse, thieves. 

Ten: They add to the value of your car. Some people will pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to insure their cars. When you drive your car on the street, it is at the risk of being broken into or targeted by thieves. The cost of the insurance is very small when you consider how much you will pay to replace the car if it is stolen. 

Eleven: There are a number of models of these locks available on the market. This is good news for those who have difficulty deciding which model to purchase. They can easily be researched online. Then they can compare the features of each model. Then they can make an informed decision on the type of locks they want to install on their cars.

Nowadays the newer cars come equipped with a keyless entry system. The technology on these systems use signals to remotely lock and unlock the car and start your car’s engine. If you have purchased one of these cars, it is a good idea to invest in a warranty for the car too.

Check the company who your warranty is under to make sure that it covers defects and failures to your keyless system as well as mechanical issues. A company like Olive, has the expertise to assist in your warranty questions. 

Keyless entry door locks are very convenient and are just the beginning of new technology in the automotive industry. 

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