Hilarious: Meet US ‘President’ Eric Omondi Obama

May 7, 2015

Eric Omondi, Barack Obama
US President Barack Obama is set to come to our country on June 13th, and for that matter, locals have been eagerly awaiting the day, since this will be a lot like his homecoming since being elected president.
While many wait, others have been busy making fun of how the celebrated leader will make his entourage in the nation. In fact, Eric Omondi has shared a humorous short video clip in which he pulls an Obama waving at a crowd while standing on his podium.
Well, here is something creative enough to cheer your mood up.


A video posted by Eric Omondi (@ericomondi) on

Below are more photos of the comedian disguised as the US Head of State.
Eric Omondi, Barack Obama 1
Eric Omondi, Barack Obama 2

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