Percentage of Kenyans That Believe Country is Headed in Wrong Direction A majority of Kenyans have lost faith in the ability of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s administration to move the country in the right direction a July 28, 2021 News·TL
POLL: Was The Injured Police Airlift Merely a PR Exercise? Cord is blaming the police for use of excessive force, while the police are blaming Cord demonstrators for violence. On Monday, there was a May 26, 2016 featured·Poll·TL
POLL: Do You Believe Police Version of The Story on How Jacob Juma was Killed? His family has disputed the police version of the story, and many people are asking questions. Initial reports had it that the businessman was May 10, 2016 featured·News·Poll·TL
POLL: Are Your Pooping Habits Like Everyone Else’s? Take this poll to find out if you poop like everyone else. (Inspired by Buzzfeed) 1. How often do you poop? 2. Usually, what May 3, 2016 featured·Humour·lifestyle·Poll·Quiz·TL