The Trending Images This Monday It’s a new week and we have the trending images to start us off. [slideshow_deploy id=’67146′] March 9, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
Another Hilarious Dj Khaled ‘Digital Migration’ Parody – VIDEO After Dj Mbweha’s humorous Swahili and Kikuyu parody of Dj Khaled’s hit track dubbed hold you down, another Kenyan has yet again, in the March 9, 2015 Entertainment·Humour·TL
HILARIOUS! How Kikuyus React vs How Luos React When Thieves Break In – VIDEO It is just amazing how some jokes can just be drawn from tribal stereotypes. For instance, this short vine that I came across of the March 9, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
Fellas, This is How Ladies at The Club Decide if They are Going Home with You Picking up women at the club is an art that no longer requires one to be a smooth talker. The trick to having women March 9, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
The Trending Images This Furahiday These are the trending images to close the first week of March. [slideshow_deploy id=’66940′] March 6, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
HILARIOUS – This Guy Got The Most Ruthless Reply After Informing His Girl He was on KCSE D-List With KCSE, the grade that one gets is what determines how far they can go in terms of education and academic excellence. For instance, March 6, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
How Shoddy, Funny and Illegible Love Letters Used To Be Back In The Day I bet you can still recall how you used to compose those funny love letters full of big meaningless vocabularies, senseless sentences and misplaced March 6, 2015 Humour·Social Media
Today’s Trending Images Here are the trending images for today. [slideshow_deploy id=’66762′] March 5, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
AUDIO – Kisii Guy ‘Trapped in a Mortuary’ Prank Calls Sonko Rescue Team for Help… Hilarious We just received this link to a hilarious phone conversation between a Kisii guy and a Sonko Rescue Team customer care rep. The guy March 4, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
Hilarious Trending Images Today Another bright day, another dose of trending images. [slideshow_deploy id=’66540′] March 4, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
HILARIOUS Memes From the Twitter Trend ‘KCSE Results 2014’ As you are all aware the eagerly awaited KCSE results were released yesterday. While the candidates were having one of the most tense and March 4, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
7 Ways People Received Their KCSE Results Yesterday – PHOTOS Waiting for examination results can be a tough task that requires one to maintain calm, composure. and more so, needs a lot of courage. March 4, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
Hilarious! How The C and D List Students Revealed Their KCSE Results To Their Parents Joy and happiness is to all the hardworking students who managed to get good grades in the KCSE results released yesterday. But for those unlucky March 4, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
The Trending Images Today These are the trending images for today. [slideshow_deploy id=’66364′] March 3, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
Funny Memes From the Twitter Trend #ThingsThatMeanTheOpposite We have all been there..whether victims or propagators. I’m talking about the dishonest behaviour of saying things that mean the opposite. This strange trait March 3, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
The Trending PHOTOS This Monday It’s a new week a most importantly a new month. We have the trending photos to start your day. [slideshow_deploy id=’66174′] March 2, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
Hilarious – Kikuyu Word of The Day.. ‘Kim Kardashian’ There was some time last year when ‘Kikuyu word of the day’ was a big deal. We wrote endless articles and we thought that March 2, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
HILARIOUS – Eric Omondi Anchors News with Shaniqwa – VIDEO Eric Omondi has been inviting celebrities to his newly launched ‘free to air digital TV’ that runs on his instagram page. A day after hosting March 2, 2015 Entertainment·Humour·Social Media·TL
PHOTO – The Difference Between Police Vehicles in Kisumu and Kiambu Counties What can we say about our friends in Nyanza that has not been said before. They pride themselves in extravagance and that pride has March 2, 2015 Humour·TL
HILARIOUS – ‘Mzungu Lady’ Abuses Man In Kikuyu After Being Asked if She Has Money With social media sweeping in fast and quickly becoming a major source of entertainment, many people have really become a funny lot, more so, March 2, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL