
First Lady Rachel Ruto Launches Ksh.1.7B Grant For Youth, Women Entrepreneurs

January 27, 2023

The First Lady of Kenya, Mama Rachel Ruto, has officially launched the LEGEND (Leveraging Equality for Gender Inclusive Economic Development) Project, a grant targeted at unlocking access to finance by youth and women-led enterprises in the poultry, horticulture and aquaculture value chains.

The project aims to improve the social-economic prosperity of entrepreneurs, alongside gender inclusion and environmental sustainability.

The six-year project will be implemented by Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) in nine counties drawn from the Coast and Lake Victoria Regions namely, Kwale, Kilifi, Mombasa, Taita-Taveta, Kisumu, Busia, Siaya, Homa Bay, and Migori.

The grant consists of CAD 16 million (approximately Ksh.1.5 billion) from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and CAD 2 million (approximately Ksh.185 million) from MEDA.

Speaking during the official launch of the LEGEND Project, Mama Rachel Ruto lauded MEDA’s long-term commitment to Kenya’s economic development and the support towards the attainment of Kenya’s Vision 2030 and UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The project aligns with the Kenya Green Economy blueprint, which has gender inclusion as one of its strategic pillars outlined under social inclusion and sustainable livelihoods.

Her Excellency also thanked MEDA for their partnership with her Organization, Mama Doing Good Organization, which brings together over 150,000 women organized in 10,000 groups across 39 counties and revolving over Ksh.2 billion through a table banking model under the flagship Program, Joyful Women.

MEDA has partnered with Mama Doing Good in providing food security solutions, capacity building and market linkages through the M-Sawa Project.

The LEGEND project supports Mama Doing Good Organization’s audacious goal to scale women’s economic programs to 47 counties in Kenya.

Unlocking access to finance for enterprises owned by women and young people will create sustainable green and decent jobs, ensuring that women in Kenya are not left behind.


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