Various Types of Mood Disorders

October 1, 2020

When we talk about mood disorders, mood swings are the only thing that people can think of. Maybe because of the name, but you need to understand that any type of illness that is linked to your emotions is known as a mood disorder. Currently, the number of mood disorders is rising day by day, especially because of the Covid-19.

From being locked down in your homes to not being able to interact with people, your mood can be adversely affected. Your best CBD vape oil by CBD genesis can help elevate your mood and get those emotions in check, but not always. Sometimes you might not even know that you are suffering mood disorders simply because you try to bury your feelings deep down in this fast, judgmental, and cruel world.

Therefore, it is important to keep yourself updated on the various types of mood disorders, so you can help your health care professional diagnose it properly.  To help you out, today, in this article, we are going to be talking about some of the most common types of mood disorders, their causes, and symptoms, and treatment plans. So continue reading to find out more. 

What are the different types of mood disorders?

As mentioned earlier, mood disorders can be termed as any mental illness that affects your emotions and, ultimately, your mood. There are different types of mood disorders, but here are the most common ones out of all; 

* Major depression 
Depression is one of the most common mood disorders that affect millions of individuals every year. From toddlers to elderly individuals in our society, it affects us all in different ways, at a different pace and for different reasons. 

Due to depression, one might begin to lose interest in their hobbies, everyday activities, and even in their loved ones. You might feel sad, that constant empty feeling or hopeless for hours or even days and months based on the severity of the disorder.

In most cases, individuals tend to suffer, form it for a few hours or days. But if it lasts longer than two weeks, then you should consult your doctor right away because you need the help that you deserve to get back on your feet and enjoy life the way it is supposed to be. 

* Dysthymia
Persistent depressive disorder, also known as dysthymia, is the chronic form of depression that lasts for at least two years and more. The symptoms are much similar to severe depression. Everything from losing interest to having low self-esteem is quite common in a patient diagnosed with dysthymia. 

* Bipolar disorder
Bipolar depression is one of the deadliest of mood disorders. Unlike other disorders, this one isn’t all about sadness. Instead, individuals diagnosed with bipolar depression experience extreme emotional highs called mania and extreme emotional lows known as depression. 

The sudden change in the presence of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and other emotional hormones can cause a sudden shift in moods. It isn’t as common as the other disorders but is definitely the hardest one to handle.

* Side Effect of Other Conditions
 Since every cell in your body is connected to your brain; therefore, certain medical conditions can cause mood disorders as side effects as well. For instance, individuals suffering from cancer most often suffer from depression as well. The constant pain and the feeling of dying bit by bit every day with an inch of hope only can lead to sad and suicidal thoughts. 

* Addiction and Abuse 
Substance abuse in most cases, causes mood disorders. Since the main purpose of the drugs is to make you feel better; thus, the compounds in them affect the functioning of your brain and receptors, which leads to uncontrolled emotions. You might need various forms of treatment to treat such disorders as there are multiple causes of mood disorder behind it. 

What are the symptoms of mood disorders?

Mood disorder symptoms vary from person to person, depending on different personality traits. Everything from your lifestyle choices to your eating habits helps define the symptoms that you suffer from having a mood disorder. Here are the most common ones suggested by both professionals and patients; 

* Constant empty feeling inside
* Ongoing sadness and crying 
* Low self-esteem
* Extreme guilt regarding an incident 
* Suicidal thoughts 
* Loss of interest 
* Insomnia
* Disruption in eating habits
* Irrational and abrupt decisions
* Always on edge
* Loss of concentration 

In most cases, your feelings are heightened due to the imbalance of hormones in your body. Due to that, you might end up making irrational decisions that end up affecting your lifestyle, work, and even physical health. So it is best to consult a professional right away in case you feel any of the above symptoms. 

How are mood disorders diagnosed?

Mood disorders are as bad as your other medical disorders. They are linked to your mind and affect your mental health, which indirectly affects all the processes going on in your body. Your mind is like the CPU. If it stops functioning, your body stops functioning. 

That is mainly how health professionals, especially psychiatrists, diagnose mood disorders. By linking them to your behavior and their symptoms, they can pinpoint the exact type of mood disorder that you are suffering from to get the right treatment plan in place.  

How are mood disorders treated?

There are different causes of mood disorder depending on the type of the disorder and its effect on a person. Every case is different and unique in some way but yet similar to all the rest as well at the same time. 

Treating a mood disorder is one of the most complicated things. Your therapist can only help you if you help him understand what you are feeling. Individuals often find it hard to open up to strangers. But after analyzing the situation in the best way possible, professionals come up with a personalized treatment plan that is based on the combination of the following; 

* Antidepressants – They are mood-stabilizing pharmaceutical drugs that work similar to CBD concentrate but in a more controlled manner, read here for more info. They help balance the hormones and are proven to be helpful in treating depression, mood swings etc.

* Psychotherapy – The best way to get your emotions in check is to talk to someone. Sometimes all you need is a person who listens to you and helps you understand your feelings in a much better way. 

* Other therapies – In unique cases, professionals suggest various types of therapies such as music therapy, transracial stimulation and electroconvulsive therapy to treat the underlying problem. 

The good thing is that, if treated right, an individual suffering from even the most extreme cases of mood disorders can recover and get back to their healthy lifestyle. 

Final Words

Mood disorders are common among individuals of all ages, groups, and gender. Your mood disorder doesn’t pick you based on your personality traits. Instead, it just hits your right when you least expect it. Adults are often able to diagnose their disorder and get the help they require. But in the case of children, diagnosing mood disorders is highly complicated since they aren’t good at expressing their emotions right most of the time. 

They might seem like nothing to you, but in the long-run can have serious health effects. So it is best to get it diagnosed and treated as soon as possible to avoid extreme cases. We hope that this article provides you with the information that you need to keep your mood in check the right way and learn one of the most important life lessons – get help when needed. 

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