Vitimbi’s Nyasuguta No Longer on Air

May 2, 2014

nyasugutaaccFor those familiar with one of the longest running local television shows Vitimbi, Nyasuguta is a household name. The actress, real name Eunice Wambui, doubled up as a radio presenter until last week. She was with Milele FM and her time with the radio station has come to a halt.
She broke the news on her Facebook page and her listeners have been hard dealt by the news as she was the funny bone of the local station. She however will serve in another, yet to be announced capacity and we will keep you updated.
Here’s what she had to say about her time at the Milele FM
“This is the day that the Lord has made….this is my last breakfast show with you on Milele FM…MUST confess you have been a blessing to me….will miss all of you but will serve you in other capacity. Kuanzia Jumatatu utakuwa na Mtoto wa Kike Maggie Waithera na ChoirMaster Mogaka……”

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