Can Psychedelic Shrooms Cure Stuttering? New Research Reveals Interesting Findings

August 19, 2024

About 4% of children in Canada stutter, and around 1% of adults also stutter. A person stammering, even knowing what they want to express, cannot convey it smoothly and continuously.

They do not purposely stutter; instead, it happens to them when they talk, and they simply can’t help it. 

A new study published insight on psychedelic shrooms online and their effects on people who stutter. They specifically focus on those who experience degraded mental health through this speech condition. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Psychedelics reduce stuttering by promoting neuroplasticity, which alters brain connections and affects cells in Broca’s Area, the part of the brain responsible for communication.
  • Participants reported positive benefits from psilocybin, such as reduced anxiety and stuttering.
  • Shrooms can improve the mental health of people with speech disorders and lead to a better outlook on life and increased confidence in expressing themselves.

Speech Disorder is a Repetitive Condition

Childhood-onset fluency disorder, commonly known as stuttering, affects a child’s speech and causes difficulty speaking smoothly.

It involves repeating sounds, syllables, or words, lengthening sounds, and experiencing blocks where the speaker gets stuck on certain words. 

Here are examples of instances in children to better understand the disorder:

  • Repetitions of sounds, syllables, or words (e.g., “I love Ba-ba-ba-ba-Barney”)
  • Prolongations, where sounds are stretched out (e.g., “I love Bbbbbbbarney”)
  • Blocks, which present as long pauses (e.g., “I love…………..Barney”)

Secondary traits, including blinking, head movements, vocal tension, and avoidance behaviours, may coexist with these disfluencies.

Experts say that children’s stammering is normal, especially when they only begin to absorb words and sounds they hear from their environment. It becomes an above-normal case when it develops as the child turns into an adolescent.

It may greatly affect one’s mental health by developing conditions such as anxiety and depression. 

Clinically-approved Treatments; Traditional Ways

A treatment method for one person can be less effective for another due to differences in issues and demands.

That is why you need a medical consultation. There are several approaches for treating this condition:

  • Speech therapy is a valuable tool for patients with fluency disorders. It helps them slow down their articulation and become aware of their condition. This process improves communication skills and boosts confidence in social interactions.
  • Various electronic devices are available to help improve fluency. One type of device mimics communication by creating the illusion that one is speaking in unison with someone else.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy, or psychotherapy, is a type of mental health treatment that can help patients identify and change thought patterns that may exacerbate stammering.

Psychedelics as Stuttering’s Kryptonite?

A new study found that people using psilocybin from magic mushrooms were better able to manage their condition and gained more confidence in expressing themselves.

But what exactly is psilocybin, and how does it differ from LSD, another psychedelic drug?


Psilocybin activates serotonin receptors in the brain, most specifically in the area of the prefrontal cortex. It affects mood, perception, and thought processes. Although it warps users’ perception of their environment, it doesn’t always result in visual hallucinations.

Its effects depend on dosage, prior experiences, and the user’s expectations.


Despite having similarities with mushrooms, it produces different effects and experiences. Small doses of this substance cause mild changes in perception, mood, and thought.

Larger doses can lead to visual hallucinations and distortions of space and time. LSD starts as an odourless crystal, which is then crushed into a powder and dissolved in liquid. 

The most common method is using blotter tabs, which are small pieces of paper infused with LSD. You place the tab under your tongue, where it gets absorbed into your bloodstream through the mucous membranes.

Subjects in a study exploring psychedelics and stuttering used both of these substances.

Reddits in the Discussion of Psychedelics and Better Communication

Speculations about magic mushrooms’ effects on the brain have led to several studies on their therapeutic potential. One of these studies is entitled “Stutterers’ Experiences on Classic Psychedelics: A preliminary self-report study.”

I: Objectives

While traditional behavioural therapies can be beneficial, their effects are often limited. There is growing interest in using psilocybin and LSD, which have shown promise in treating anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Researchers conducted a preliminary study by looking at the experiences of stutterers who talked about using classic psychedelics on Reddit.

II: Methods

The researchers of this study analyzed 114 posts from 104 distinct Reddit users between 2012 and 2022.

They extract key information and assign descriptor codes. They then organized the responses according to an established psychedelic effects framework, including behavioural, emotional, cognitive, belief-based, and social categories.

They grouped these effects into themes of positive, negative, and neutral.

III: Results

  • Most users (74.0%) reported good benefits, with behavioural and emotional changes (e.g., decreased anxiety and stuttering). 
  • 9.6% of the experiences described were negative
  • 4.8% were mixed (good and negative)
  • 11.6% were neutral

According to one of the forum posters, psilocybin “has been a key factor in what not only has increased my fluency as a speaker but just overall who I am as a person [and] the lens that I see life through.”

Studies such as this can serve as a kicker for another drug breakthrough in medication. Research like this must help advance the use of magic mushrooms as a therapy, especially for people who stutter.

Psychedelics in Pursuit of Neuroplasticity

Classic psychedelics target the same receptors as serotonin, a hormone that regulates mood, sexual desire, sleep patterns, and positive emotions, to enter the brain.

Patients with low serotonin levels, such as those with depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc., are treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

SSRIs can take weeks to show results.

Psychedelics, however, can alter cell connections in as little as half an hour. It enhances connectivity between brain areas that don’t normally communicate well and reduces connectivity within local networks.

This disruption leads to a more organized mental state, which helps dissolve mental barriers and disrupts self-critical and repetitive thoughts.

Patients with communication problems can relieve their mental issues while also slowly developing their skills in expressing themselves better.

Psychedelic intake may reduce stuttering by promoting neuroplasticity.

It can change brain connections by affecting cells linked to Broca’s Area, responsible for communication. This may lead to more consistent and smoother communication from the patient.

Express Yourself Better with This Collection of Shrooms Online

With these easy-to-use products, you can manage your mental health and improve your stutter. Use high doses for a full experience or microdoses for overall wellness.

Product Dosage Type Effects
Blue Meanies Depending on the desired experience Dried Euphoric, energetic, and introspective
Wonder – Gummies – Cranberry 3000mg Edible Induces philosophical discussions and improves mood
Bright Future – Dark Chocolate & Sea Salt 3000mg Edible Low dose for microdosing, high dose for visual hallucinations
Kind Stranger – Brighten 250mg x 15 Capsules Capsules/ Microdose A sense of clarity, creativity, focus
Zenly – LSD Gel Tabs  600ug (100ug per tab) Gel Tab Spiritual enlightenment and creative inspiration

Shrooms for Overall Brain Wellness and Speech Improvement

Psilocybin and other classic psychedelics have shown potential in improving speech disorders. Although research on this topic is limited, many users report that the substance helps build confidence in speaking and self-expression.

Zoomies Canada online dispensary offers curated options to help you find the best mushrooms for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to go to speech therapy even when using shrooms?

Yes. Similar to treatments for depression or anxiety, the active compound in Psilocybe cubensis will be most effective when combined with traditional therapies.

For instance, if you have speech issues, using psilocybin can help alleviate related mental health problems while you work on improving your speech.

By improving your mood, you can focus on positive changes and become more motivated to enhance your communication skills.

Is there a specific dosage that works best for people with communication problems?

Using this substance is a personal journey. What works for one person may not work for you, so you’ll need to adjust and find the dosage that suits you best. Start with a low dose and gradually increase it until you find what works for you.

What should I choose, LSD or shrooms?

Choosing between LSD and shrooms is a personal decision. LSD provides a longer-lasting experience because it stays attached to its receptors for a longer time.

In contrast, psilocybin is more beginner-friendly, as its effects last no more than 6 hours, depending on the dosage.

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