CS Owalo: 390,000 Youth Trained in Digital Skills, 139,000 Online Jobs Created

May 22, 2024

Information, Communication, and The Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary (CS) Eliud Owalo announced that the government has trained over 390,000 youth on digital jobs and created 139,000 online jobs in the past year.

During the launch of the Jitume ICT Hub in Ruiru town on Monday, Owalo stated that the government’s digital transformation agenda has significantly impacted youths, enabling them to earn millions of shillings monthly while working remotely. He highlighted the government’s support in constructing and equipping Jitume ICT hubs across the country with internet connectivity.

Encouraging youths to take advantage of the free digital training programs offered in various digital hubs nationwide, Owalo emphasized that the digital space has become one of the largest employers. He outlined the government’s goal to establish 1,450 digital hubs nationwide, extending to ward levels to engage more youths in the program.

Owalo emphasized the shift towards digital employment, stating, “Gone are the days when office jobs were the only sources of employment. As a government, we have provided a facilitative environment, constructed Jitume hubs, and created over 100,000 digital jobs annually. This is the way to go.”

He also revealed plans to connect all markets in the country to the internet to boost e-commerce, including agreements with Kenya Power Company to utilize their poles for internet cabling. This initiative aims to ensure every household connected to electricity is also connected to the internet.

“Going forward, we have agreed with Kenya Power Company to allow internet cabling to be done using their poles, as opposed to underground cabling. This programme will ensure every house connected to electricity will also be internet-connected. We also have a plan to connect all 25,000 markets in the country with the internet to boost e-commerce,” Owalo noted.

Accompanied by Ruiru MP Simon Kingara, who stressed the importance of digital work, Owalo announced plans to construct eight digital hubs in the constituency.

Beneficiaries Stephen Ochieng’ and Peter Karanja reportedly shared their success stories, with Ochieng’ claiming to earn close to Kes.1 million monthly and Karanja over Kes.700,000, the Kenya News Agency(KNA) reports.

Before transitioning to online work, Ochieng’ reportedly sold used computers while Karanja sold clothes in Githurai.

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