Duale: I Was Offered a Bribe of 100 Acres To Sign Off KDF Land

April 5, 2024

Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale has made a sensational allegation of an attempt by a retired primary school teacher’s son to bribe him with 100 acres of land in Eldoret.

The land offer was purportedly made in hopes of gaining Duale’s favor regarding a contentious land dispute involving the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) Recruits Training School and 82 year old retired teacher Wilson Chepsilonge, over a 3,500-acre property.

This dispute centers around the ‘Nine Farms’ area in Kiplombe, Uasin Gishu County, where Duale, accompanied by top officials this week made statements implicating Mr. Chepsilonge, as an instigator.

“There is a man called Chepsilonge, he is from Kapsabet. I want you to tell him, if the title he has is original, I want him to go to the National Land Commission (NLC) office yesterday to tell them to verify the paper. We are ready to present evidence that the document that the cartels, led by Chepsilonge, are carrying around is fake,” the CS stated.

During his visit, Duale was joined by Lands Principal Secretary Nixon Korir, Uasin Gishu County Commissioner Eddyson Nyale, Governor Jonathan Bii, Senator Jackson Mandago, and Turbo MP Janet Sitienei.

The CS challenged the legitimacy of the documents purportedly held by Chepsilonge and labeling them as fraudulent.

Duale’s remarks escalated to accusations against Chepsilonge’s son, who allegedly reached out to both Duale and PS Korir, offering land in exchange for assistance with the disputed property.

The Defence CS encouraged the community to disavow Chepsilonge, inciting a crowd response with his call to action against the elderly man.

This incident led Chepsilonge to report threats to his safety at the Eldoret Central police station, accompanied by human rights defenders. He expressed fear for his life and concern over his safety and that of his family, citing harassment and an abduction attempt against his grandson following Duale’s public dressdown.

Chepsilonge, who claims leadership over a group of 500 beneficiaries with claims to the disputed land, defended the legitimacy of their ownership.

He mentioned the payment of land rates totaling Sh26 million and the possession of all necessary documentation to substantiate their claim, saying that their parcel is different from the military land in question.

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