SHIF Registrations Starts Tomorrow, CS Nakhumicha Says

March 7, 2024

The Kenyan government, through the ministry of health, has announced the imminent commencement of registration for the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF), set to begin on Friday.

This announcement was made by Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha who was speaking in Kisumu on Wednesday, highlighting a significant step towards the implementation of the highly controversial universal health coverage program, after months of delays.

Nakhumicha confirmed that the SHIF regulations have been finalized and submitted to the Office of the Attorney General for gazettement.

The regulations are set to be published on Friday, and then immediately followed by the registration process.

“It is no longer a story but after the regulations are gazetted on Friday, we begin the journey on registration and begin deductions of the 2.75 percent to take care of Kenyans,” Nakhumicha was quoted by Business Daily, emphasizing the government’s commitment to fulfilling one of the pillars of the UDA manifesto.

Under the new scheme and within 90 days of its activation, all Kenyans, both employed or unemployed; formal or informal, will be required to register as SHIF members to benefit from the universal health programme.

The Cabinet Secretary promised transparency and efficiency in the handling of the funds, aiming to eradicate previous mismanagements within the Ministry of Health and NHIF in particular.

“I want to commit to Kenyans that we are going to put that money to good use. The pilferage, the thuggery that has been there at the Ministry of Health will be a thing of the past,” she affirmed.

CS Nakhumicha further explained the shift in financing model, from the current system to a more inclusive model.

“From the current contribution of a maximum of Sh1,700 per month and a minimum contribution of Sh500, we are going to have every household contribute 2.75 per cent of their monthly income,” she explained.

While it is unclear what model the government will use to identify the poorest Kenyans, they have committed to paying into the fund for the millions who cannot afford.

The CS was speaking at the commissioning of the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority Kisumu regional distribution centre, part of the government’s broader efforts to enhance healthcare delivery across the country.

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