
Police Interrogate Brother of US Fugitive Kevin Kang’ethe

February 14, 2024

Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) arrested the brother of murder suspect Kevin Kinyanjui Kang’ethe on the night of Monday, February 12.

They also apprehended the girlfriend of the fugitive’s brother, and questioned them about the fugitive’s escape from lawful custody.

“It is true that the two were questioned on what they know following the escape of the murder suspect from lawful custody,” a detective privy to the matter reportedly told the Nation.

Detectives initially suspected that the brother was the orchestrator of Kevin’s dramatic escape from Muthaiga Police Station.

Based on police findings, the suspect allegedly rendezvoused with Kang’ethe at the Police Station, powered off his mobile phones, and was on the run alongside the fugitive.

Meanwhile, Ms. Beatrice Ng’ethe, a lawyer related to Mr. Kinyanjui spent most of Monday at Pangani police station assisting with the ongoing investigations.

Ms. Ng’ethe has consistently denied any knowledge of the suspect’s plans to escape lawful custody.

Related – US Fugitive Kang’ethe and Arrested Lawyer are Cousins

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