DP Gachagua Alleges Political Conspiracy to Fragment Mt Kenya

January 22, 2024

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has claimed that there was a plot to divide the Mt Kenya voting bloc. He dismissed the attempts and warned that the masterminds would not succeed.

This comes a fortnight after a section of MPs from the region pledged to support Kiharu Lawmaker Ndindi Nyoro in terms of political supremacy in the region.

“Those scheming to divide the region should know that the people of Mt Kenya are intelligent and are aware of what is happening. Those seeking to divide us are enemies of the region,” he charged

Gachagua was speaking at Kiambu Golf Club on Saturday night. It was during a Thanksgiving for golf champion Michael Karanga. He warned that the stakes are too high and Mt Kenya region cannot afford to have division.

“Our relevance in national leadership lies in our unity. We know what disunity and divisive politics did us in the 1992 and 1997 elections,” he said

DP Gachagua urged political leaders to concentrate on growing the economy. He advocated for the region’s leaders to unite and encourage increased youth participation in productive economic activities.

Riggy G at the same time stated that he had embraced all leaders across the political divide. He encouraged other leaders to do the same.

“Elections are over, let us close the debate on who voted where because nobody was wrong in making his/her political choice. Let us not remind people where they voted because that is null.  President William Ruto and I decided to move on and unite the people. The region is united behind President William Ruto; the people want development and a conducive environment for their businesses,” he said.

Concerning the country’s economy, the Deputy President urged Kenyans to be patient with President Ruto’s efforts to revive it, stating that the economy has improved since President Ruto assumed the Presidency.

“Relax and be patient. When you buy a company that is leaping it cannot recover in one day. It takes time. President Ruto inherited a beaten economy. We are not complaining because it is our work to fix. Please work hard and things will get better as we move along,” said the DP.

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