Ezekiel Mutua praises Colonel Mustafa: ‘Mjengo is not for failures’

May 10, 2023

Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK), Chief Executive Officer Ezekiel Mutua has praised rapper Colonel Mustafa for taking the bull by the horns after the former musician was spotted working at a construction site to make ends meet.

While asking for the rapper’s phone number, Dr Mutua said construction work, otherwise known locally as Mjengo, is not necessarily for failures.

“Someone please inbox me Mustafa’s number. I have mad love and respect for people who face life head-on and do what a man has got to do to put food on the table. There’s absolutely no shame in taking up a mjengo job to feed yourself and your loved ones,” he said.

According to Dr Mutua, Colonel Mustafa is the kind of celebrity that deserves to be helped.

“Unlike other celebrities, Mustafa has refused to wallow in self-pity and is not ashamed of his hustle. And by the way, mjengo is not necessarily for failures. It is a job like any other. But it takes courage for a celebrity of the calibre of Mustafa to take to such menial activities with pride. I love the positive attitude. This is the kind to be supported,” he said.

RELATED – Robert Alai cautions well-wishers against fundraising for Colonel Mustafa

The MCSK boss later said he sent monetary support to Mustafa and his mother who is suffering from Stage 2 Lymphoma Cancer.

Mutua said he has also organised for a meeting with Mustafa to discuss long-term measures of how he would recoup the money earned from his songs over the years.

MCSK will also provide Mustafa with lawyers if the matter goes to court. Dr Mutua added that they discussed plans on getting Mustafa back into the music business.

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