Akothee Lists Her Achievements After Fan Says She’s Jealous

November 15, 2022

Akothee says the only person she can possibly be jealous of is herself because of the many accomplishments she has achieved in her life.

The celebrity singer was responding to a fan who claimed that she was jealous.

Akothee listed her achievements, including her five children with three different fathers.

“I have ever been married and delivered three children with an African man. I got another child with a white man. Akothee has delivered another child with a Swiss… linked up with a white diplomat gave birth to another child,” Akothee said in a video.

The businesswoman went on to brag that she is wealthy and a celebrity.

“I have travelled almost the whole world. I have wealth everywhere. I have money to pay my bills. I am a celebrity, the number one influencer. I have five businesses and running companies. I have educated my three children in the best schools and they did not get pregnant. So what can I be jealous of? I can just be jealous of myself because I have made it,” she said.

Akothee noted that she has her life figured out at 40, especially now that she has found a husband.

“At 40 I have a life. Everything is already sorted. The only ‘thing’ I did not have was a husband and now God has brought me one; energetic and young. Now when this fan said that I was jealous where would I be getting the jealousy from?” she posed.

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