15 Things to Know About Instagram Influencer Sylvia Monayo aka Binti

January 10, 2022

Sylvia Monayo is an Instagram influencer popularly known as Binti. She is also the owner of Apparel Hive, a women’s clothing boutique based in Nairobi.

Binti shares some fun facts about herself.

  1. I am a millennial and single mother to a wonderful boy, an untamed content creator, entrepreneur and an all-round personable human.
  2. The kind of a person I am, depends on the energy around me. Some people get the funny and talkative me. Some people get the introverted side of me.
  3. On my Instagram bio, I describe myself as an entrepreneur although my feeds are more all less that of a content creator.  This is intentional. I find other ways to reach my clients other than the obvious route.
  4. The English Premier League team I support is Manchester United. ‘Team kubwa’ or how haters prefer to call it Kiburi FC.
  5. One of my posts that has elicited too much reaction recently is one of me holding a pack of condoms, relaxed and in a Manchester United jersey with a caption “Weeh! Tuko na energy sasa”. Weeh! The reactions were crazy. But hey, it was a lifesaving Ad to live life guarded like we almost beat Chelsea while guarding our back.
  6. From my posts, many think I could make a good actor. Well I’ve been thinking about my rate card lately.
  7. Motherhood has taught me that you are never ready no matter what you think. With every stage of your child, you learn and unlearn.
  8. The best way to describe my last relationship, mmh! Let’s just say a lesson learnt.
  9. My DM is full of messages from men wanting to marry me, others wanting to take me out on dates, and others wanting my number. Some few ask for the unthinkable. Argh! The audacity!

  10. The last time I went on a date with a man was early this year. It wasn’t giving what it was supposed to but nevertheless the restaurant was posh and I enjoyed the menu. Not all was lost after all.
  11. A compliment I received and thought wasn’t honest was when someone said to me, ‘you look too good for a mom. Smh.’ Kwani how are moms supposed to look like.

  12. In this era most people aren’t authentic on social media. There’s a lot of clout chasing but there are people who are authentic people like Joy Kendi.
  13. Here is how my perfect life would look like. Rent free, great son-mom relationship, thriving business, healthy and happy.
  14. The luxury, I do enjoy treating myself to, has to be the manicures, pedicures and waxing appointments.
  15. Three rules of my life, Live, Love, Laugh.

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