Kamene Goro Hits Back After Internet Troll Reported her Dress Code to Ezekiel Mutua

April 7, 2021

Popular radio personality Kamene Goro laughed off an attempt by a social media user to shame her over her dress code on Tuesday.

The Kiss 100 radio presenter had shared a picture taken alongside her co-presenter, Jalang’o, showing her dressed in a flowing mini dress.

The radio station then shared the same picture via its Twitter page before a user took issue with Kamene’s dress.

The Twitter user identified as Daniel Rang’ondi @itsrangondi questioned if Kiss 100 has a dress code. He even went as far as raising the issue with the Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) by tagging the board’s CEO Ezekiel Mutua in his tweet.

“What kind of dress is that posted on media surely? Do these kiosk stations have a dress code? Where’s mr moralist? Where’s deputy jesus @EzekielMutua? Why haven’t you rebuked this kind of dressing?” wrote the tweep.

Unfazed by the tweet, Kamene Goro responded to Daniel telling him to wear a Dera.

Moral police! Unakasirishwa na nguo zangu hii mapema yote? Alaaaaaa! Imagine I will dress as I want! Vaa dera kama ukona shida sana,” tweeted Kamene.

Here are the tweets.

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