90 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge: Frasha Opens Up On Brother Who Lost Everything To Alcoholism

July 30, 2020

One-third of P-Unit rap group, Francis Amisi alias Frasha, is set to start another alcohol-free challenge beginning next month.

The rapper who has been on a journey of sobriety started off with a 40-day alcohol-free challenge about five years ago. At the time, the goal was to stay sober for forty consecutive days every year.

After several years of the challenge, Frasha became more determined to quit alcohol completely.

“After doing the 40 days sobriety challenge for several years, I have realised the importance of quitting alcohol completely. As you mature up, you start realising that there are things you are doing that are no longer important, which are wasting your time, money and even they make you lose focus,” Frasha said last year, further revealing that he once spent half a million shillings on booze in one month.

This year, Frasha has revealed another reason why he takes up the alcohol-free challenges year in year out.

In an Instagram post, he revealed that his brother, Lucky Amisi, is a recovering alcoholic.

“People keep asking me why do you keep doing this free of Alcohol challenges year in and out. Today I will tell you why…My amazing brother is a recovering alcoholic and have seen him go through struggles that I wish he never did,” Frasha’s post reads in part.

“But the best thing in life is he came out on top. He lost everything I mean everything but God had a plan for him. I thank him for lessons he has taught me he’s one of those people who you thank God for having in your life.”

Frasha added that they will start a 90-day alcohol-free challenge from 1st of August and asked fans to join them.

The rapper is also set to partner with Nathan Gathegi on a health initiative called DetoxAfrica. He is also running the HIV Frasha Foundation, as well as a campaign called Jitambue, which is based on advocacy on HIV issues, especially targeting the boy child and the youth.


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