Businessman Pleads With DP Ruto to Settle Sh1.4M Debt Owed By His Hotel

May 28, 2020

A distraught businessman based in Kilifi has directly appealed to Deputy President William Ruto to settle an alleged debt owed by a hotel associated with the DP.

James Muchemi Munene on Wednesday, May 27 told journalists that the Dolphin Hotel in Mombasa owes him Ksh1,431, 995.

Owed since August 2018, the amount was for the supply of marine boards and wood to the hotel, said Munene.

“Some of our contracts were terminated but there are other suppliers who are still working on the project and I hear they are being paid in cash. So I don’t see why we cannot be paid,” he narrated.

The business further said that his efforts to contact Jubilee Party Coast Region Coordinator Farid Swaleh had been futile.

“I contacted Farid, who I was told would help me with the payment but as soon as he learned that it was the payment I needed, he stopped picking up my calls or replying to my messages,” Muchemi recounted.

“I pray that the DP will listen to our plea so that we can continue with our normal lives and we can revive our businesses,” he said.

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