
Siaya Priest Accused of Spreading Coronavirus Granted Sh500,000 Bail

April 17, 2020

Siaya Catholic priest Richard Oduor was on Thursday charged before a Milimani court with spreading the coronavirus.

Fr Oduor was first arraigned at the Nairobi court Tuesday where the prosecution asked the court to remand him for five days to allow the police to complete investigations. However, Magistrate Martha Nanzushi granted orders to have him detained for two more days at the Kileleshwa Police Station.

On Thursday, Oduor denied knowingly spreading the coronavirus and asked the court to free him on reasonable bail terms. Magistrate Martha released him on Sh500,000 cash bail.

The Senior resident magistrate further directed that the priest goes into a 14-day self-quarantine at Assisi house on Adams Arcade which is run by the Franciscan Sisters of St. Josephs.

His lawyer had objected to the additional 14 days quarantine arguing that the accused was discharged after testing negative.

However, the court said he must self-quarantine, adding the priest does not know what self-quarantine is and that is why the courts are there.

Oduor returned to the country from Rome on March 11 and spent a day at Utawala in Nairobi before travelling home(Ambira) on March 13 where he conducted the burial of a close relative.

He later returned to Nairobi and exhibited symptoms of COVID-19 prompting his admission to hospital where he tested positive and was placed under mandatory quarantine.

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