Kilifi Deputy Governor Denied Police Bond

April 6, 2020

Kilifi deputy governor Gideon Saburi spent the weekend behind bars after efforts to be released on police bond proved futile.

Saburi was detained at the Port Police Station following his arrest on Friday, hours after he was discharged from the Coast General Hospital Isolation Centre.

A contingent of about 20 DCI officers in at least four cars arrested the DG after he recovered from the coronavirus.

On Sunday, Saburi’s lawyer, Otiende Omollo, expressed his frustration as he tried to secure Saburi’s release on a police bond.

“There is no progress. He is still in,” said Omolo, adding: “We have been denied police bond without explanation.”

The Kilifi deputy governor is expected to be charged in court today, Monday 6, for refusing to self-quarantine following his arrival from an official trip to Germany on March 6.

The Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe said the government would use Saburi as an example for those who refuse to adhere to the anti-coronavirus guidelines.

Saburi is facing a fine of up to Sh30,000 or a jail term of not more than three years.

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