TV Host Georgina Mbira: This is How I Spend my Sundays

January 6, 2020

Georgina Mbira is a Kenyan media personality, events host and voice-over artist. She is most notable as host of ‘My Perfect Wedding’ on Maisha Magic East.

She spoke to Sunday Magazine about how she spends her Sundays.

Sunday is the day…

I spend with my family, go to church and have some time to shop.

What makes Sunday special?

The fact that I am able to serve at my church plus I don’t have to cook on Sunday.

If you could be with one person on Sunday who would it be?

My husband Kevin. We don’t spend as much time together during the week as I would want to so Sunday is a ball when he is around.

Describe your perfect Sunday weather…

Sunny, definitely sunny! I get to go for a walk and reflect. Can’t do that while being rained on now can you?

Sunday lunch includes…

Chapati and chicken.

Rules you break on Sunday?

Absolute laziness takes the day.

If you had the power, which day would you replace Sunday with?

Friday. I do not party on a Sunday but Friday is another story altogether.

If you could be anywhere on a Sunday, where would you be?

Somewhere on a beach and hope time freezes.

If Sunday was an animal, it would be…

A sloth.

The last thing you do on a Sunday night is?

Pray together and listen to the boys’ unending science facts.

Bedtimes on Sunday is …

Anytime between 1 am and 3 am. Because I end up binge-watching reality TV shows.

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