Tanzania Court Issues Warrant of Arrest Against Wema Sepetu

June 12, 2019

Former Tanzania beauty queen Wema Sepetu is a wanted woman after a Court in Dar es Salaam ordered for her immediate arrest.

Kisutu Resident Magistrate Maira Kasonde on Tuesday issued an arrest warrant against the Bongo movie actress after she absconded the hearing of a case in which she is accused of spreading sexually provocative videos on social media.

The Magistrate sanctioned the arrest after the government prosecutor Silyia Mitanto argued that Wema Sepetu failed to appear in court on Tuesday as required by the terms of her bond, on a day the witness was to be cross-examined.

On the other hand, Wema’s lawyer Ruben Simwanza said her client arrived in court but fell ill forcing her to leave.

But the prosecutor told the court neither Wema nor her lawyer informed the court in advance that the actress wasn’t going to attend the session.

“Kama amekuja mahakamani halafu akaondoka bila kutoa taarifa, mahakama itajuaje kama alikuja? Alishindwa nini kutoa taarifa mahakamani,” Magistrate Kasonde posed before issuing a warrant of arrest.

The case was adjourned until July 4,  2019.

On Tuesday, Wema Sepetu posted to Instagram a picture seemingly chilling and captioned it, “Forget what hurt you, BUT always remember what it taught you… ?”

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