Kenya Bans Unaccompanied Baggage From Somalia

May 30, 2019

Unaccompanied baggage from Somalia will not be allowed into Kenya borders, the Kenyan government has said.

In a statement issued this week, the Foreign Affairs Ministry said any such baggage will be confiscated and destroyed in line with air transport regulations.

“The government of Kenya has noted with concern many pieces of unaccompanied baggage on flights emanating from Somalia. This contravenes international air transport regulations and poses a security threat.

“Consequently, the government of Kenya will not allow unaccompanied baggage from Somalia into the country. Such baggage will be confiscated and destroyed in line with applicable, air transport safety and security regulations and the carrier airline will be held responsible.”

Further, the government maintained that no Somali official with proper documentation and visa has been denied entry into Kenya.

On the matter of four Somali nationals who were denied entry on May 20, 2019, the Foreign Affairs Ministry said the officials were travelling on diplomatic passports but did not have visas.

“The government has no intention to deny Somali nationals entry into Kenya provided they have the necessary entry requirements which are known to the immigration officials of the Federal Republic of Somalia.”

The ministry also downplayed the announcement by Somalia that its representatives will not be attending global or regional events in Nairobi.

“The government of Kenya will continue to facilitate and host regional and international meetings in accordance with its international obligations and commitments and Somali nationals are always welcome subject to entry requirements as is applicable to all foreign nationals,” said Monica Juma, the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs.

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