DP Ruto: Stop Asking Waititu Useless Questions

May 6, 2019
William Ruto and Ferdinand Waititu during service at All Saints Catholic Church Komothai Parish in Githunguri, Kiambu County, on May 5, 2019. Photo/Courtesy

Deputy President William Ruto has reportedly jumped to the defense of underfire Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu over outrageous budgetary allocations amounting to Sh2.5 billion.

Last Thursday, Waititu found himself between a rock and a hard place when he appeared before the Senate County Public Accounts and Investments Committee (CPAIC) to explain the allocations.

It emerged that Waititu’s administration had allocated Sh973 million for the coordination of State House functions, Sh58 million on South Sudan peace process, Sh804 million on free primary education, Sh180.5 million for the statutory benefits for retired presidents and Sh591.6 million for State Corporations Advisory Services.

Waititu’s response that ‘it was also news to him’ made things worse for the controversial governor.

However, DP Ruto has appeared to give Waititu some breathing space on Sunday when he reportedly said the self-proclaimed ‘Baba Yao’ should only be asked questions concerning Kiambu County.

“Even though the President comes from Kiambu, the national budget is not done in Kiambu. So let people stop asking Waititu useless questions,” said the DP as quoted by Citizen Digital.

“He[Waititu] should only be asked about matters concerning Kiambu County: as for the national government, we have a lot of people including Cabinet Secretaries who will answer those questions. The issue of South Sudan, State House and retired presidents… we will answer them.”

Ruto was speaking after Sunday service at All Saints Catholic Church Komothai Parish in Githunguri.

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