Tallia Oyando Hits Back After She Was Attacked For Taking Her Son To Work

October 2, 2018

Tallia Oyando appears to have roused envy and jealousy in one of her followers on Instagram when she shared a video of herself at work with her son, Lyric Onyi.

The seasoned media personality shared the video in August as she hosted her late night Reggae show, Uptown Nights, on Homeboyz Radio.

Tallia Oyando captioned the video: “Haven’t seen this one in almost two weeks went for a sleepover and refused to come back saw me today and he has refused to leave my side. We are here what do you wanna hear?”

And as most of Tallia’s followers praised her, one user identified as Carolyne513, could not handle it and commented: “This is just ridiculous i’ve been scrolling through and just came across this ati mtoto kwa chest ya mama wakati ako job anatafuta are you kidding me??????”

Tallia clapped back saying: “oh you must have a really sad life, move on along with your BS … Ain’t nobody got time for your trolling…”

This seemed to have further infuriated the troll who responded with a vile comment insulting Tallia and accusing her of dressing indecently on national television.

On Monday, Tallia, who doubles up as a presenter on Citizen TV, did not have anything to post on her Instagram and decided to put the troll on blast.

Here’s her post.

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