Pinky Ghelani on TEDx Talk, Modelling, Vlogging, Motherhood

April 30, 2018

Pinky Ghelani is one of the most bankable media personalities in the region. At age 42, the model says she is not yet done because there is more to life than what we see.

She spoke to Buzz about her recent TEDx Talk, modelling, and life.

You say that life is about being in the moment, what does it mean and why?

There have been times that I have been forced to be present and in the moment. Some have been great and fantastic experiences and others not so great.

My life lesson is that at every given chance you need to be present. Sometimes we forget what is happening; right here, right now, is where you and I are meant to be, to be able to appreciate it.

Tell us about your TEDx talk.

It was my first and I was very privileged to be called upon. I talked about being in the moment, teaching and showing the participants how you can and why it is important.

It was a great platform for me to share the experiences about my journey.

Why vlogging and what do you normally vlog about?

I think it’s because of my background in media: television, radio and print. Once the media bug bites you can’t let it go.

It is a great opportunity to have my own voice via vlogging on YouTube. I’m still trying to find my own flow, but I’m thoroughly enjoying it.

I try to be aspirational and inspirational; to give you something instead of just looking in to my life, but how you can take nuggets of advice and better your own life.

Do you think at your age it is time to let younger generation take over the catwalk and mentor them?

I don’t mind. I have no competition with younger models.

When I’m asked to model I will model because it is a great privilege for people to still think of me that way.

I love it, being on the catwalk, because I just come alive when I’m on it. I gladly mentor younger models.

Just the other day I was speaking to some about the ‘pay models’ hashtag that went viral and just telling them how to build your momentum and build a career out of it. I love to speak to models and show them the way.

As a mother and someone who uses social media all the time, how difficult is it to raise children in this era?

We are wading through uncharted waters when it comes to parents my age who have kids now turning and getting in to teenage life.

They will look for validation online as people do. For me, I am trying to build strong characters and show them that it doesn’t matter out here how many likes you get.

It is tricky for a parent today because, how much can you control your children and how much can you keep up with them as well?

My advice to the children who are exposing themselves in order to get more likes: you guys are young so really, really protect yourselves.

It is also on parents to consistently talk to their children. Once it’s out there, it’s out there.

You have been in the media industry for almost two decades, do you think current media personalities uphold ethics?

A lot has changed since I was last in the media. I think I might be growing older because there are things I see and say to myself “that’s a bit much”.

But again it comes down to opening ourselves to social media where you are your own editor. You can post whatever you want. My thing is that you need to place your head on the pillow at night and say “whatever I did today was integrity and with dignity”. It’s a personal thing.

Would you ever go back to TV or radio?

Yes, if I find something that fits, for sure, because that is what made me who I am. It has to make sense to the person who is listening or watching.

You have a lot going on how do you unwind?

I take a nice hot bath, play relaxing music, meditate and take a good glass of wine.

Can you say you have lived your life to the fullest?

No, I think a lot of the time I’m cautious. I have enjoyed what I have done.

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