Jubilee MP to Raila Odinga: Don’t Come to Bungoma if Weta Loses Post

March 20, 2018

Kimilili legislator Didymus Barasa has warned NASA leader Raila Odinga not to step foot in Bungoma County if ODM senators oust Moses Wetang’ula as Leader of Minority.

Speaking during a funds drive at Machaka Primary School in Tongaren constituency over the weekend, Barasa said ODM should not undermine Wetangula just because Raila has decided to work with President Uhuru Kenyatta.

“As leaders of Western Kenya, we have welcomed the move by Raila to work with the President,” Barasa said.

However, if ODM leaders and Raila think they would use the newfound friendship to belittle leaders from Western leaders, they will be in for a rude shock, said the MP.

The legislator noted that Wetang’ula has helped NASA make big strides in Western and should not be despised.

“Raila should know voters in Western Kenya have already made up their mind to vote for Deputy President William Ruto as President in 2022.

“If Raila thinks he is going to bring confusion on Ruto’s path to State House, he will not succeed,” the Jubilee MP said.

Meanwhile, Bumula MP Mwambu Mabonga has urged Moses Wetangula to end his ‘marriage’ to Raila. The MP said the Ford Kenya leader should not wait to be embarrassed.

“We told our senator a long time ago to stop associating with Raila, but he failed to heed our advice. We ask him to leave him,” Mwambu said.

“ODM leaders have armed themselves and are ready to sacrifice him. He should read between the lines and see he is unwanted in NASA.”

Mwambu, who was speaking at Kabula Secondary School, said Raila has betrayed Luhyas many times before and wondered why Wetang’ula had forgotten this quickly.

He claimed Raila betrayed the late and former Vice President Kijana Wamalwa, ANC’s Musalia Mudavadi, former ODM secretary general Ababu Namwamba “and has now turned his guns on Wetang’ula”.

“We have become the laughing stock of other communities because we have failed to unite and speak in one voice,” he said.

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